Water Science and Technology covers emerging areas of water research and training. These areas are monitoring and analytical techniques; physical, chemical, and biological processes for water and wastewater treatment; membrane technologies and desalination; and advanced purification technologies. Water Science and Technology is also interested in low-cost technologies for water pollution control; integrated water resources management; water reuse, urban water cycle and treatment systems; urban water planning, water supply and management, urban and storm water management and resource recovery from waste streams.
Graduates majoring in Water Science and Technology can easily find promising job opportunities in public or private sectors in the fields of water and wastewater technology, science, and management. They can also to find positions in the business, government, education or nonprofit sectors that need their expertise in environmental fields, such as environmental management, water resource management, and environmental science.
Department of Water Science and Technology specialized its research and education in:
Bui Xuan Thanh, Ph.D Associate Professor Head of Department Email: bxthanh@hcmut.edu.vn Website: www.buixuanthanh.com Personal CV: Link |
Research interest:
Bui Ta Long, Ph.D Associate Professor Head of Lab of Environmental Modeling Email: longbt62@hcmut.edu.vn Personal CV: Link |
Research interest: