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Postdoc & research professor position available at National Research Center for Disaster-free and Safe Ocean City at Dong-A University

12/12/2016 - 2:51 PM

The research Center for disaster-free and safe ocean city (D-SOC research center) at Dong-A University (on Seung-hak Campus, Busan, Korea) was selected as a national core research center form the University Core Research Center Program supported by the Korean Ministry of Education (2016~2024, 9 years). The primary goal of our center is developing innovative element technologies of preventing and mitigating the risk from multi-ocean disasters, and combining those technologies into an integrated disaster management system, finally leading to disaster-free and safe ocean cities through close collaboration with industry and government.

1. Title of the Position 

A. Postdoctoral researcher

B. Research professor

2. Disciplinary Specialty of Research

Structural Engineering, Construction Material, GIS, Big-data, Tidal wave analysis and Disaster Prevention, etc.

3. Scope of Support

A. KRW 30 million per year or more

B. KRW 36 million per year or more

4. Materials to submit (All in PDF format)

1. Cover letter

2. CV

3. Statement of research accomplishments and interests

4. Reprints of 2 or 3 representative publications within 5 years

5. Application Procedure

1. Send the application file and other documents by e-mail to

2. If you have any question, please email to Prof. Dong-Keon Kim

3. Application will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the position will remain open until by qualified candidates.